February 22, 2025
It is currently 1:12am. I just spent the last couple hours setting up this site and figuring out how this blog thing works. You may ask, “why?” But to be honest, I’m asking myself the same thing. At this current time, this cold February night, I have yet to tell anyone I’m starting a blog. I haven’t posted to my instagram in a good few months. While I told my friend who recommended Neocities to me that I’m starting on it, I haven’t sent them my site yet. So at the time this post goes live, nobody will see it. Not my friends, not my family, probably not any strangers passing by in this digital neighborhood (If I am wrong about that last part, welcome to my world here). With that said, again, why? And better yet, who am I? This is an especially important question for the internet strangers stumbling on this. Unfortunately, this is another question I frequently ask myself, and that I don’t have a clear answer for. I’ll start with the two most important facts.
- My name is George.
- I fucking love music.
I apologize for the expletive, it’s not bound to be frequent on this page, but it is absolutely necessary here. Music has been a lifelong obsession of mine that has only grown exponentially. It is my drug. My only true love (currently). At this second I am listening to my favorite album, David Bowie’s The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars. I have an MP3 player that I keep charged more than my phone. Last I counted I had somewhere over 360 CDs. All of them are ripped to my digital library, which combined with my other digital purchases totals to a little over 4,000 songs. That’s only from a couple years of collecting here. My musical journey truly started twenty-two years ago when my mother would sing “Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You” to a little baby George. I don’t have the time or energy to recount everything between then and now, but I’ll get to it. That’s one reason I started this. Another fact about me is my memory can be pretty terrible sometimes, and it feels like it’s getting worse. So I’ve been looking for a way to catalogue my thoughts and experiences to preserve them for myself. And while I’m at it, why not put them all out on display for people to see too? This is the way, step inside, check out the ramblings of some sleep deprived music addict who knows way too much about Depeche Mode. After all, I also love sharing music. It’s fun, and I strongly believe it’s a crucial part of the overall experience of life itself. So why not use this as an outlet for both? Kill two rats with one very long glue trap filled with references, recommendations, stories, and tidbits of knowledge for all to enjoy. In the next however many pages I end up doing of this, expect all of that, plus some elaboration on the points I’ve made above. That leads me to my last point, my last reason as to why I’m doing this: you read to the end of this post. Evidently, you’re very interested in whatever it is I have to say, and I’m more than happy to keep you fed. Check back here frequently for more posts, eventually I’ll get comments and maybe a mailing list set up so you can get a bit more involved. Last thing, on that note, expect this site to grow in multiple ways. How? I’m not exactly sure, but I have a few ideas. And I have a lot more to talk about than just music, so expect a fair variety of oddball topics and rants. Most of them will be related to music though, because that’s just how I am. Anyway, "Rock ‘n’ Roll Suicide" is almost over, so I’ll finish this incredible album, then I’ll get this posted.